Zondag 3 januari 2016 OPEN DAG bij DA Dance Studio in Rotterdam. Doe mee met gratis dansworkshops in zowel solo als partnerdansen zoals moderne dans, Afrikaanse dans, jazz, partneracrobatiek, klassiek ballet en Braziliaanse Zouk. Ervaar de verschillende dansstijlen en geniet van een gezellig dagje uit voor jou en je vrienden!
DA Dance Studio
Chalonsstraat 6b - 3043 TD Rotterdam
In 2008 Willem Engel founded dance school DançAlegria. Willem’s passion for the Brazilian partner dance of Zouk was the driving force for the first few years. However, in 2014, DançAlegria became one of the first studios in The Netherlands to teach solo dance as well as partner dance styles, followed by a name change to DA Dance Studio in 2015. The various styles offered by professionally trained dance teachers are one of the characteristic of DA Dance Studio.
Willem has been a Zouk specialist since 2005. Since 2013 he has been broadening and deepening his knowledge and skills as a dancer and as a dance teacher by taking classes in other styles as well.
"Our mission is to bring people in connection
with themselves, the music and others
through dance. Through intensive and
personal classes as well as social events we
hope to stimulate these connections."
We work from a comprehensive concept for dance lessons. We give our students more selfknowledge, more fitness, more social cohesion and more social skills. Our students gain more self-esteem from the satisfaction of their growth. We teach them to enjoy the growth process without focusing on the end goal too much.
What sets us apart as a dance school: we teach both solo and partner dancing lessons. In our methodology we stimulate the connection between partner and solo dancing. The development of the student is central in all the lessons.
DA Dance Studio is ambassadeur van Dans Magazine. Dans je bij deze dansschool? Dan betaal je maar € 9,99 voor een heel jaar Dans Magazine! Kijk snel verder
DA Dance Studio staat aan de start van een nieuw dansseizoen. OP 5 september vindt de kick-off van een nieuw jaar plaats. Dansschooleigenaar Willem Engel opende de school ooit vanuit een passie voor de Braziliaanse partnerdans zouk.