Dancecompany Lonneke van Leth

Dansers gezocht voor Lonneke van Leth: twee stagiair(e)s m/v - 2018/2019

Interns wanted

Dancecompany Lonneke van Leth is looking for two interns m/f for the Season 2018-2019. Join our team and experience lots of different shows.

Start intern

  • 22 may - 25 may 
  • 3 june
  • 10 june - 12 august including performances in Carre, Amsterdam
  • 25 august - april 2019

Intern most be able to:

  • ballet class (girls point shoes not mandatory but a pre)
  • present a short solo of max 2 minutes theatrical skills

The auditions will take place on 7 January 2018.

This is only on invitation!
Please send your CV before 1 January 2018 to